Womens gay bars miami south beach

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Story Party Packages are available Thursday through Saturdays Story features world renown headline DJs spinning House and Electronic Dance Music. The club has many VIP bottle services areas and bars and is a true mega dance club. One of South Beaches grandest nightclubs with an amazing sound system and lighting. The Liv Party Package is available Wed through Saturdays. Best headline DJs preform weekly at this top South Beach club spinning todays top music including House and Electronic Dance hits. One of South Beaches grandest nightclubs with a luxurious layout and pulsating sound and upscale hideaway. LIV is the Fontainebleau Hotels new South Beach night club. VIP South Beach will make sure you have a hassle free amazing South Beach nightclub experience!Ĭ ontact us for Nightclub Party Package or Nightclub Bottle Service Reservations and let us help you plan the Ultimate South Beach Experience! Getting through the doorman’s velvet rope is no easy task with very long lines and huge crowds at the door. The Miami Nightlife is legendary with A List nightclubs including Liv Nightclub and Story Nightclub which are super popular clubs and famous for being very hard to get into with their celebrity filled VIP rooms and world famous DJs playing all the right beats.

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